Sep 26, 2011


1. Know how to snack. 

  • A snack should be about 150 to 200 calories and ideally it should have a source of carbs for energy and some protein (so that you feel full longer). Keep an apple, banana or a handful of nuts in your handbag. You can make your own trail mix, but watch what you put into it. It might help when it comes to choosing and shopping for snacks to think in terms of the food groups -- buy something that's from one or two of them. 

2. Don't let beverages be your downfall.

  • With all of the sugary bottled choices
    on the market and specialty coffees offered at coffee shops, drinks can easily expand your waistline. Carry a refillable water bottle to sip from. (Bonus: Often, when you feel like a snack, you may just be thirsty, so sipping away on H20 may help slash your caloric intake.)

3. Plan ahead.

  • With our busy lives and urban sprawl, we're often far away from home. This may be contributing to an epidemic of people popping into a convenience store for an unhealthy treat to satiate hunger. When making your grocery list, make a point of thinking of your snacks so you will be prepared for the days ahead.

4. Prep veggies first. 

  • If you're ravenous when you get home and tend to grab less healthy choices such as cookies, start your meal preparation by chopping and preparing the veggies that are in your meal so you can snack on them instead.

5. Keep healthy snacks handy.

  • Having your nutrient-dense snacks front and centre in the fridge and a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter may help you make better choices when you're feeling that pang of hunger. Better yet, keep the chips and cookies out of the house. It's easier to have them as a special treat occasionally if you don't have a constant supply of them.

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